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About Treo Financial

Our mission is to provide financial education and planning to help people create a plan and meet their goals.  We recognize that working as an educator, an entrepreneur, a contract employee or at a non profit sometimes means sacrificing high earnings for a chance to do work that you love, and that is important. Our financial planners have a unique understanding of this and work collaboratively with out clients to design financial plans that enable people to live and work in a different way.

About: Headliner

J.Steffe CFP® M.B.A
Founder and CEO

I believe that financial goals and plans are more successful if they are intimately tied to overall life aspirations and values.


My goal is to work together to help individuals develop the quality of life they are seeking. This journey of self discovery will be a process of achieving self knowledge to determine how you feel about your priorities, and how they are being enacted. When you know yourself you can live according to your values and passions.


I am in a unique position to guide people on this journey of self discovery and financial planning. As an Outward Bound instructor for over 15 years I have honed my ability to connect with a wide variety of people, ask thoughtful questions and encourage others to think outside standard parameters. The ‘traditional’ lifestyle has never been right for me


— I’ve always followed the different path that felt right.


I am a certified financial planner and  have my M.B.A from the University of Central Florida. I am also a faculty member with Warren Wilson College teaching in both the business and outdoor leadership departments and have been helping educators and those seeking a unique path to manage their finances through allt.

About: About

Who I Help

Anyone who is seeking a different life path. I understand that this often means that 'traditional' financial planners don't understand you or your goals. I live this life too, and am excited to work with you.

How I Do It

At Treo Financial I combine the three pillars of financial success; education, advice and support. By pulling all three of these levers together we can help you feel secure in your financial decisions.

What's in It for You

By creating a strong foundation in each of these areas I help you set a path that empowers you to make financial goals that blend with your life instead of direct it.

About: Services
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