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How it works

This is a benefit program that organizations can provide their staff as a way to improve employee satisfaction and retention. The goal of these programs is to help staff find ways to make their money work for them and feel empowered with financial knowledge. We offer a unique approach to personalized financial planning for those seeking less traditional work/life paths while providing a strong and responsive partnership for your organization.


We’ve found turnover can cost organizations between $1,500-$3,000 per employee. Research shows that 75% of employees reported that they were more likely to stay with an employer because of their benefit programs and 47% of employees will look for a new job in the next 12 months due to confusion or dissatisfaction with benefits.

Financial Empowerment Series
Course package

This is a financial planning package that includes all the elements your employees need to create specific financial action steps and feel empowered in their personal financial future.


With a cohort of 15-20 students, a financial planner will deliver 4 interactive education sessions that cover the building blocks of budgeting and saving, how the psychology of money impacts our behaviors, debt paydown strategies, different retirement accounts and how to set them up, and how to understand the stock market and invest for their future.  The course package includes resources that employees can use to immediately implement what they are learning in the course as well as dedicated online support from a certified financial planner to help answer any questions as they move forward.


After this course, participants will feel empowered with their financial future and prepared to take steps to support their goals. 


Package Includes:


- The program is delivered live online for your employees by a trained financial planner.


The program is broken up into four interactive 1-hour sessions


- Financial Advising Support where a financial planner is online to answer specific questions two times during the course. 


- The program is designed for groups of 8 – 15 employees


- Participants receive a resource packet  and coaching support

Financial Education - Stand Alone Classes

These are stand alone courses that can cover a wide range of topics. This is a great option to engage your employees with education around specific financial subjects. You can choose from a variety of classes or work with us to propose different content. These classes will be interactive in nature and dive deeply into your chosen topic. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions during the session and will receive a resource to support the session.


- The program is delivered live for your employees by a trained facilitator


- The program is one interactive 1-hour session.


- The program is designed for groups of up to 50 employees.


- Participants receive resources that support the session.


Financial Topics Include:

  • Budgeting and Savings Plans                  

  •  Taxes

  • The Psychology of Money                    

  • Insurance

  • Understanding Debt and Debt Payoff Strategies        - Financial Goal Setting

  • Retirement Accounts and Retirement Planning

  • Investing

This is an opportunity to support your employees in a productive and affordable way.


Have you had a hard time getting your staff to engage with your company benefits?


We uniquely understand those who choose to work as educators, for non profits, or seasonal jobs and are able to tailor our educational courses to respond to, and meet the needs, of this group.


All classes are dynamic in nature and can engage people who are at varying places on their financial journey.

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